Day Fifty-Three

14 Jun, 2016 – Day Fifty-Three:

The past few days have been busy and wonderful.

On Saturday, we once again got all three kids out eating.  We put them up against the house to eat away the blackberry bushes near the stairs.  It was cold and windy, so I decided to sit in the truck to stay warm.  We had the Twins on heavy-duty leashes and Ginny on a leash meant for a 10lb dog; since she is so easy to catch and comes when we call.  Matt came around from the other side of the house and somehow, spooked all three of them so badly they all jumped.  Ginny jumped so bad she snapped her leash in half.  Then she just stood there and waited for us to collect her.

On Sunday, we bought a new leash for Ginny.  They ate a long time on the bushes on the property line.  They are doing a great job getting a lot of brush cleared out.

On Monday my parents got here.  Mom got to feed Ginny and Hermione raisins.  Neville still won’t try any hand-fed treats.  Mom and Brian got to spend a lot of time with the goats.  They got to show off time on their leashes and head-butted and reared a bunch.  Everyone was quite impressed.

Today, it rained a lot.  They spent most of the day in their barn.  Mom and Brian are going home tomorrow.  The kids are going to miss being fussed over by them.  My sister, Ashley called on FaceTime, so I took her out to the pen to show her the goats.  The girls came up to the fence to greet her.

It has been a wonderful and blessed weekend.


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